Merry Christmas 2019 | BIG Adventures Ahead
Photos by Samantha w/ Happy Hippo Photography | Edits by me
Merry Christmas from the Praskins!!
I chose not to do Christmas cards this year… save my sanity.
So consider this our Christmas card! :)
This has been a year of learning to say NO for me. You see, I am a YES person. I tend to be a people pleaser. I want everyone to be happy and I want everything to work out perfectly. Then real life sets in and someone, somewhere, was always disappointed. If I was 100% in one area, I was only giving 20% in another, or my family was getting the leftovers. Guys, that’s not a fun place to be. Or the right place to be….for me. God has really convicted my heart over the last couple of years to reevaluate where I am placing my time and talents, and how best HE can use me. He has called me to give up many things that I love, in order to do other amazing things…and that brings us to HOMESCHOOLING.
Now, if you would have asked me a couple years ago if I would be open to homeschooling, I would have laughed at you and said “No Way!” “It’s not for me” “I don’t have the patience”….and so on and so on. Well, I still may say some of these things but we truly feel that the Lord is guiding us in this direction.
These boys….they are one of the biggest blessings in my life, and also my hardest challenge.
I was reading a book called Wild and Free this summer as we were camping. I was reclined in my chair and the boys were running around with their friends. Andrew was widdling sticks and Dylan was giving rides in his wagon… they were exploring the world around them….we LOVE being in this environment. That’s when God clearly spoke to my heart. The biggest obstacle has been me…and my selfishness. I can’t lie…. I love my alone time. This will be a HUGE transition for all of us. Erik is 100% behind this decision…and I am glad because I am going to 100% need him to escape and reclaim my sanity some days :)
We have been blessed with an amazing school for the boys, along with some of the greatest and sweetest teachers. But there’s always been something missing. TIME. We walk in the door from school at 4:00, Dylan has therapy some of the days, we do homework, we eat around 5:00, and then it’s time for bed at 7:00. There is NO time. Erik and I are both self employed and enjoy the freedom that our flexible schedules bring….so homeschooling seems like a logical step in our lifestyle. Dylan can double up on much needed therapies, I can hire a tutor to work with him one on one, and we can claim back our days with more PLAY and less stress! We will have a little more time to be WILD AND FREE.
Friends, we need your prayers. We need your encouragement, and we welcome your suggestions. I know these first few months will be a lot of adjusting time and some days I may go crazy. This may last 6 months or 6 years….but I have to try it. Part of me is afraid of failure, and I am sure along the way we will face some challenges….but challenges make us stronger! Right! Right? Erik is on board and 100% encouraging this
So here’s to 2020….a year bound to give us some challenges, freedom and new beginnings, and a whole lot of ADVENTURES!!
A special thanks to my friend Samantha with Happy Hippo Photography for capturing these images on a rainy day, basically in the dark, and all in 10 minutes. She pretty much rocks!!! And thankfully Dylan warmed up after some silly sayings and a candy cane to keep him busy! I think this pretty much sums up how life goes….always a little messy, and always a lot of fun!